We all think that nothing is going to happen to us and we have plenty of time to sort out our personal Protection but sadly this is not always the case.
With planning and having the right protection in place you can ensure that you and your family are in a better position should the unexpected happen, even giving you additional options that you would not have previously had.
As you can imagine there are many types of protection, from Mortgage Protection services to Life and Critical illness protection, to Income protection and it is important to understand what is right for you and your personal circumstances. This is daunting to say the least and is often something that is always going to be looked at tomorrow.
Here at Mother Goose Mortgages we have access to the main insurance providers and will guide you through the different types of insurance to ensure that you understand and get the right policy with adequate cover and correct protection in place. We can help you decide what the best steps are to protect you and your family, the best products for your ever changing needs and what should be done first.
It may be that you already have Personal Protection or Mortgage protection in place but circumstances change all the time, so policies should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they are still offering you and your family the correct level of financial security. We are happy to discuss and review any existing policies you may have.
If you are buying a new home or remortgaging you existing property, it is always a good idea to have a review of your protection needs. If you are a first time buyer, it maybe that previously you did not feel the need for protection but with new commitments, you may wish to protect your income, should you become ill and are unable to work though ill health, or lose your job. Here at Mother Goose Mortgages we can ensure that you achieve the peace of mind to enjoy your life.